Behind The Butter

Celebrating Mac & Cheese Day with Annie’s!

My kids may be really good eaters and love a wide variety of foods like olives and smoked salmon, but if I were to ask them what their favorite dinner is would be HANDS DOWN macaroni and cheese…or as Luke calls it “hot cheese, please!” I have one “Team Fork” member in the house and one “Team Spoon!”. I will let you guys guess who is who. πŸ˜‰  

I mean, they are little kids after all! And while I have made homemade mac & cheese for them before, I have to tell you that Annie’s Classic Cheddar Mac & Cheese really is our go-to. I always keep at least two boxes in the pantry at all times. I love to mix in some peas and carrots (yes, frozen but organic!) or chopped broccoli into the kid’s bowls so I know at least I’m getting a veggie in there too. A good mom hack I have learned is to give my kids some mac & cheese for dinner early on the weekends around 5pm…and then make a really nice “date night at home” dinner for Adam and myself after they go to bed. πŸ˜‰ A moms gotta have some shortcuts under her belt too!

Recently, we tried out Annie’s new and improved Classic Cheddar Mac & Cheese and we all found it to be totally awesome! The mac & cheese itself has a cheesier taste and a creamier sauce than before and my kiddos had no issue scooping mouthfuls up with either their fork or spoon. My kids are serious about their mac & cheese, alright, and that is just fine with me. Thanks, Annie’s!

This post is brought to you in sponsorship with Annie’s Homegrown. All thoughts and opinions are entirely our own. We love this product, buy it regularly and think you should, too! 

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  • Celebrating Mac & Cheese Day with Annie’s! – Gym Buddies
    July 11, 2018 at 9:47 pm

    […] post Celebrating Mac & Cheese Day with Annie’s! appeared first on Eat, Live, […]

  • Hillary | Nutrition Nut on the Run
    July 12, 2018 at 10:32 am

    I love Annie’s gluten-free white cheddar shells with peas and topped with avocado, mmm!

  • Lisa
    July 13, 2018 at 5:58 am

    Just wanted to say that Dionos are not recommended car seats by car seat techs anymore due to many recalls and other issues with the seats. If you would like specific help with car seats for your kids, join Car Seats for the Littles on Facebook and create a post. They are super helpful. Also, I think I remember both of your kids are forward facing? It’s a waste of money to buy convertible car seats for already forward facing kids as you are losing half of their use. You should be looking for two forward facing seats.

  • Krista
    August 27, 2018 at 1:33 pm

    I haven’t stopped by your blog in apparently years! OH MY GOD congratulations on #2 and soon-to-be #3! So late to the game, but wow.

    Also, love peas in mac and cheese! My husband and I are plant-based, so on the off-chance we’re having a macaroni night, we use Daiya ‘cheese’ sauce with gluten-free or whole wheat mac, depending on what’s available, but Annie’s sweet potato one is *definitely* up there when we can find it!! πŸ™‚

  • friv unblocked
    February 3, 2019 at 6:03 am

    Your child will play with the friv games, then eat. Let your child touch the food, help him to play with the food. Allow him to take his fingers to his mouth. So eating, eating, eating should be as enjoyable as playing a game. Small colored plates, heart-shaped breakfast plates, prepared lunches such as picnicking, dinner prepared like playing house, can be transformed into a pleasurable event made with family.

    It seems difficult for mothers and fathers to give their children food in front of television. Instead they need to turn off the television. Friv needs to find solutions that will increase interest and desire. For example, funny facial shapes, simple games such as airplane flying, eating games for toddlers, interesting and entertaining to eat contribute to your child’s movement and cognitive development. When your child is hungry, he can feel grumpy and cry without any reason. Most of the time, these reactions are outdoors. It is necessary to evaluate this reaction well and encourage the child to eat.

    Can children who do not eat food add a habit of eating with the game?
    Of course, the game at friv 2 is very important for the development of a child. However, the game should be applied up to 2 years of age. The game can be cooked until 2 years of age, after which the game is not suitable for eating and eating habits. Because we can apply certain rules, we have to give this habit to the child from their early ages. It is an important role model for the child to eat together with the family, to sit in the table together. Even if you have not eaten your food, sitting in the family cafeteria is important for the development of the child.
    It is best not to make your meal times boring. This is also very important in terms of communication with children. A child who does not eat will want to have a loud tone and different and abrasive expressions will be used. I think it is also important in terms of food.
    You can make your child’s dinner sessions more engaging at some point. But do not take it to the point of a child who opens your mouth like a robot in every advertising cycle, sitting in front of friv unblocked video-recorded ads.Link