Behind The Butter

Apple Picking in Sonoma County

I think everyone can attest to the fact that it has been a very sad week. Honestly, I have tried to stay off social media as much as possible because it’s like everywhere I look I see more bad news. I am extremely distraught over what happened in Las Vegas last weekend and my heart goes out to everyone affected by such a tragedy. I feel sad, scared and anxious about the future. I feel nervous to raise my kids in this world today. My heart is breaking for all the families affected.

However, I truly believe the only way to fight this hate is by bringing in more love. We need to raise our kiddos to love others and know the difference between good and evil, right and wrong. We need to celebrate small victories and cherish every moment with our loved ones. 

I want to share these photos with you guys today from our time apple picking on Saturday! We had such a wonderful morning with the boys back “home” in Sonoma County. We basically just pulled over at this farm we saw on the road and let Grayson go wild in the orchard. 😉 We came home with about 18 lbs of organic apples and I’ve been on a canning spree every since, making applesauce and apple butter. We are going to go back soon to pick persimmons!

Hold the ones you love close, my friends. You’ll never get these moments back and these, really are, the best days of our lives. 


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  • Apple Picking in Sonoma County – Gym Buddies
    October 5, 2017 at 6:39 pm

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  • Christina @
    October 6, 2017 at 4:37 am

    I could not agree more. Beautiful photos, as always!

  • Gretchen
    October 7, 2017 at 9:41 pm

    I live in Napa and would love to know where we can pick apples locally. Please please share the name of the farm you visited! Thank you!!